Flamenco Recipes

Here I share with you my grandmother's greatest legacy: her tastiest, healthiest, freshest and most healing recipes...unique like her.

Of course, you will have to adjust the quantities to taste because cooking style cannot be measured.

Rice for when we are sick

The ideal recipe for when we suffer from gastroenteritis. It has a miraculous effect.

Place the chopped potatoes in a saucepan with oil, sprinkle with crushed garlic and parsley and cover with warm water. Let it boil until the water is practically consumed. Now just add water, rice, salt and let it cook until the rice is cooked but still very soupy. Don't forget to sprinkle well with lemon when serving (and don't let it sit for too long or the rice will turn out to be a less delicious dough). Try it, you will be as good as new!


The simplest and most natural recipe to refresh the summer.

In the same dish that is going to be made, crush the garlic, remove the skin from the tomato and cut it into small pieces. Add a splash of olive oil with 3 flamenco flavors and salt to the chopped tomato, move it well with the mortar and pestle until the tomato releases its liquid. Add a little cold water and a few ice cubes. And ready! A recipe from Jaén perfect to cool off in the hot summer.

Salmón con patatas

A simple recipe that stands out for its mild and delicious flavor.

Ingredients: potatoes, salmon, onion, chirlas, flour, bay leaf, parsley, salt and our olive oil.

Before starting, wash the chirlas and leave them in water for a quarter of an hour with a good handful of salt (to remove all the sand they may have).

Then the bones and skin are removed from the salmon, cut into cubes and set aside. We put the skin and bones of the salmon to cook to make a fish broth, we strain it and set it aside. As for the potatoes, we peel them and peel them into small pieces (it is important to peel them and not cut them so that they release the starch). We reserve them in a bowl covered with water and a little salt.

In a saucepan, put the oil and chopped onion, put the heat on low so that it cooks little by little. When the onion is more or less done, add half a tablespoon of flour, stir it a little and add the chirlas (having already removed the water with salt). Next comes the fish broth with the bay leaf. We let it boil until the chirlas are done. Add the potatoes with the water they have, when they are half cooked, add the salmon.

Stir and leave until everything is cooked well. We plate it with a little parsley and a glass of wine...and voila! A perfect recipe to make for your special guests.

Migas de Jaén

La mejor receta para tomar en familia o con amigos: rica, divertida y barata...

Esta es en honor a mi tío José, que las hace tan bien.

INGREDIENTES: Comprar las migas ya desmenuzadas (por ejemplo en Ahorramás), aprox. 500gr. por persona, aceite de oliva virgen extra, agua, sal, ajos, panceta, chorizo...

y lo que se quiera poner después como acompañamiento: melón, arenques, bacalao, aceitunas, jamón, uvas, rábanos, queso...todo le va bien!

Y un buen vino.

RECETA: Echar aceite en la sartén gigante (1 cm. de profundidad) y freír los ajos sin pelar pero machacados con un golpe, y sacarlos. Freír la panceta en trozos de bocado bien tostada, y sacarla también. Freír los trozos de chorizo y sacarlos.

Quitar un poco la sartén del fuego para que no salta al echar el agua (2 cm. de profundidad), después echar el agua y la sal. Cuando está todo caliente echar las migas y remover constantemente sin que se peguen y hasta que estén doradas. Añadir los ajos, panceta y chorizo, dar una vuelta y comer.

SI al final están muy secas se puede añadir agua rociándola con la espumadera.